Monday, November 24, 2008

An Attitude of Graditude

This month in school AJ's word of the month has been GRADITUDE. We were sitting eating lunch one day and he told me that he had an "ATTITUDE OF GRADITUDE." I asked him, what does that mean? Surprisingly he says back to me "that I need to be grateful for everything I have!" Oh, what a wonderful lady, Mrs. T, is for teaching him about graditude. I try everyday and maybe with the help of Mrs. T it may finally sink in.

With this being the week of blessings and thankfulness, I thought I would take a moment to show my attitude of graditude. I am thankful for sunrises and sunsets, my two major blessings, my family, the pond outside my window, my camera, Thursday evening television, car washes (so I don't always have to do it myself), my friends, all the new friends I am making and the ones that are still to come, strawberry limeades at Sonic, my bedroom, the playroom upstairs, rainy days so you have an excuse to snuggle and read under a blanket, my wonderful husband, inspirational sayings, happy people, a good pair of jeans, candles, men's cologne, Christmas lights, when AJ tells me I'm beautiful, a good chic flick (one that makes you cry), girl's night out, waking up the kids in morning, Jesus' light, a clean house, a beautiful picture, hearing AJ say "I wuv you" and positive attitudes.

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